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Buy a Brick

Our brick walkway, consisting of 4,000 bricks, leads from the street through our peaceful garden to the entrance of the building. The Maine Jewish Museum invites you to honor or remember special people in your life by inscribing their name(s) on one or more commemorative bricks. Funds raised will help with the upkeep and maintenance of our magnificent Museum garden… one of only two public gardens in Portland’s East End.

Buy a Brick


Place your order today! 4 lines up to 21 letters and spaces per line for only $118.

You may order as many bricks as you want at this Special Price- Enter your custom text in the field below and click “Add to Cart.” Repeat this process to order multiple bricks.

When your order is complete, you can view your cart and check out here.

You may order as many bricks as you want at this Special Price. Come to the Museum to talk in person about donating a brick, or fill out the form below to have someone contact you about your donation.

Help Preserve the pathway to Maine’s Jewish History, Culture, and Art for future generations by purchasing a brick for our entry walkway.

  • Leave a lasting legacy
  • honor friends or family members
  • memorialize someone special
  • celebrate a special event

Your gift of one or more engraved bricks will help the museum meet many needs, including maintenance and accessibility of the museum’s historic structure.

This is a great way to make a tax-deductible donation to the Museum AND preserve your own legacy as a museum supporter for years to come.

If paying by check , please mail to:

Maine Jewish Museum
267 Congress St.
Portland, ME 04101

Your brick order will not be completed until the check is received

Email Dawn LaRochelle at [email protected] for more information.