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The Maine Jewish Museum and You

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities


Support Our Mission

TThe Maine Jewish Museum was founded in 1999 to celebrate and honor the contributions of Maine’s Jewish community members, past and present. Through art exhibitions, historical displays, and diverse programming, we build on the Jewish immigrant experience to foster appreciation and understanding among people of all backgrounds.



Corporate Support

Corporate support is integral to the Museum’s success. When you engage as a Corporate Sponsor, your company’s generosity and visibility will not go unnoticed. Sponsorship is a vital source of financial support for the Museum and provides a unique branding platform for any organization. With highly regarded exhibitions and public programs, an exciting and diverse exhibition schedule, and robust attendance, the Museum has a great deal to offer its corporate partners.


Corporate sponsorship enables you to:

  • Support local contemporary art exhibitions, Maine Jewish historical displays, and diverse programming
  • Gain recognition through our publications, website, program materials, and online acknowledgments
  • Promote and enhance brand image through inclusion in broad-based media and advertising
  • Offer free special programming opportunities for employees and VIPs
  • Reach new and targeted audiences
  • Participate in gala events

Sponsorship Opportunities


Corporate Sponsorship Tiers

Platinum: $5,400.00

Gold: $3,600.00

Bronze: $1,800.00

The Museum’s corporate sponsors receive a robust set of benefits. We work closely with our sponsors, discussing suitable projects and designing customized benefit packages tailored to each organization’s needs, interests, and target audiences. To discuss customized benefit packages, please contact us using the information below:

Dawn LaRochelle, Executive Director
Office: 207-773-2339
Cell: 914-261-2673
[email protected]